Anyone who knows me knows that I am obsessed with television. When I was in high school, my identifier was “that weird girl who speaks in The Office quotes.” My TV obsession hasn’t gotten much better since then. I have less free time now, but you’d be surprised how much TV I still watch – I squeeze in an episode while getting ready in the morning, watch TV while cooking dinner, and watch it while I work out. I always say that I think I can easily have a conversation about TV with any given person because chances are, I’ll have seen at least one of their favorite shows.

So, now that we’ve established my authority on this topic, I wanted to share some of my favorite feel-good shows that you should all binge right now! I use both Netflix & Hulu, so I wanted to include both on this list. Read on for my 10 favorite feel-good shows to binge right now!


1. The Office (Netflix)

Saved the best for first! If you haven’t watched The Office yet, what are you even doing??? I almost didn’t include it on this list because I feel like everyone knows about it, but I decided it was necessary because I know I have a few friends who still haven’t hopped on this train. Let me be clear: The Office is the greatest show to ever grace television. If you haven’t watched it yet, you should honestly just skip the rest of this list and start watching immediately. Yes, I know season 1 isn’t as great as the rest of the show. Just push through because it gets AMAZING. I promise!

2. The Mindy Project (Hulu)

The Mindy Project is my jam. I love that Mindy is a smart, educated woman who also enjoys trashy TV and is obsessed with pop culture. Growing up, I sometimes felt like loving pop culture somehow made me less intelligent or gave people an excuse to not take me seriously. Mindy Lahiri taught me that it’s okay to be smart and educated and still care about silly things like Lifetime Movies and celebrity breakups! This show is witty, fun, and heartfelt. It always puts me in a better mood, and Mindy inspires me to have confidence in myself and not to take life too seriously. Definitely a must-watch!

3. Parks and Recreation (Netflix)

On at least three separate occasions, I have encouraged friends to watch Parks and Rec and they’ve spent months refusing. Then, they broke down and ended up watching like 10 episodes in a row and not leaving their bed for the entire weekend because it’s so good and came running to me on Monday morning proclaiming its awesomeness and wishing they had listened to me sooner. Don’t be like my friends! Do not wait to start Parks and Rec! *Literally* every character on the show is hilarious and loveable, and Leslie Knope will bring out your inner badass and make you feel like you can take on the world.

4. Happy Endings (Hulu)

I am convinced that there is some sort of phenomenon where some of the most amazing shows are cut short after 3 seasons (see also: Veronica Mars and the original Arrested Development). Happy Endings is one of these shows. It’s kind of like a modern Friends, but with more ridiculous characters. The first episode starts with one of the main characters leaving another main character at the altar – hilarity ensues as the friend group of 5 tries to figure out how to navigate their friendships now that two of their best friends can’t be in the same room together. I find myself laughing out loud at every single episode, and I was enamored with the characters immediately. This show ALWAYS puts me in a good mood!

5. The Bold Type (Hulu)

This show makes me want to have a sleepover with all my best friends and stay up all night talking. It also makes me want to work my ass off and take my career to new heights. If you’re a young professional who’s wondering why it seems like you’re the only one who doesn’t have it all together, this is the show for you. It’s also extremely aesthetically pleasing, so if you’re a visual person like me then the visuals alone will be reason enough to watch it. Even if you’re not so visual, this show is an amazing example of a workplace filled with women supporting women and it shows the power of a great leader. I love its fresh take on the magazine/fashion industry, and that earns it a spot on this list!

6. Brooklyn Nine-Nine (Hulu)

Brooklyn Nine-Nine is one of the greatest shows on television in every way. It’s rare to find a comedy that tackles difficult topics so well, the cast is amazingly diverse, and every episode has me cackling with laughter. You will never think of the third person in the same way again after you’re introduced to Terry Jeffords, and Captain Holt’s one liners will have you rolling on the floor. Also, there’s a corgi who makes some guest appearances. What more could you want from a show?

7. Superstore (Hulu)

I started watching Superstore in December when things started to calm down at work, and immediately proceeded to binge all four seasons in less than two weeks. This is one of those shows that isn’t for everyone, but I can’t get enough. The characters are total weirdos and I love it. Plus, it has arguably the best workplace romance since The Office. Trust me, that’s high praise coming from me. This is the perfect show if you’re in the mood for something light and silly!

8. Parenthood (Hulu)

Before there was This Is Us, there was Parenthood. Parenthood is one of those rare shows that makes you feel SO good and makes you sob into your pillow within the span of one 40-minute episode. If you don’t immediately want to be a part of the Braverman family after the first episode, you probably aren’t human. The way that this show tackles real life issues and the family dynamic is amazing, and you’ll fall in love with the characters immediately. Highly recommed – just make sure you have a box of tissues handy.

9. Friday Night Lights (Hulu)

Ok, so I have to admit that I first tried watching Friday Night Lights in high school and I just couldn’t get into it. However, a few years later I decided to give it another try and OMG, GUYS. It’s so good. Coach Taylor will warm your heart, and you’ll be amazed how quickly you’ll grow to care about the people in the small Texas town of Odessa. TIM RIGGINS 4 EVER.

10. Chuck (Netflix)

If you’re a fan of USA shows like Monk and Psych then you’ll love Chuck. And even if you aren’t, you’ll probably still love it! This show has the perfect balance between suspense and humor. The characters are endearing and the plot is interesting, making it the perfect feel-good binge.

Am I missing one of your favorite shows? Let me know in the comments!

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