Category: Uncategorized

BLOG, Uncategorized


After an extended hiatus from blogging, I’m finally feeling creative again! Since starting this blog 4 years ago, so much has changed - including my personal style and the interiors I gravitate toward. Now that I’m back to blogging, I thought it was time for a little bit of a refresh. I want this blog to be a reflection of my current taste and interests, so in addition to some updated branding, I’m excited to share that the blog will also be taking on a new name. The Cozy Creative is now Apple Creek Home!

BLOG, Uncategorized


Hi friends! Thanks for stopping by. The Cozy Creative is something that’s been formulating in my brain for years now. This is probably my fifth attempt at starting a blog – I love writing, and taking photos has always been one of my favorite pasttimes, so it’s only natural that I’d be drawn to blogging. However, each time before I hadn’t felt like the content I was creating had any true purpose. So, my first several attempts over the years stayed in draft mode and none of those blogs ever saw the light of day. The Cozy Creative is a huge...