Hi friends! Thanks for stopping by.

The Cozy Creative is something that’s been formulating in my brain for years now. This is probably my fifth attempt at starting a blog – I love writing, and taking photos has always been one of my favorite pasttimes, so it’s only natural that I’d be drawn to blogging. However, each time before I hadn’t felt like the content I was creating had any true purpose. So, my first several attempts over the years stayed in draft mode and none of those blogs ever saw the light of day. The Cozy Creative is a huge deal to me because this is the first time I’m actually letting the public in on things.

With how hectic life has been lately, I’ve been feeling like I really need a creative outlet. Darian and I always talked about how down the road when we bought our first home, blogging would be something I’d really like to get into. It was always one of those “someday” things – but a few weeks ago we got to talking, and I couldn’t really figure out what I was waiting for. If I feel that I have something creative and meaningful that I could share with the world, why wait? A few hours (and a lot of technical difficulties) later, The Cozy Creative became a reality.

Over the past few years, I’ve developed a knack for decorating, dining, and finding entertainment on a budget. I’ve always considered myself a jack of all trades, master of none – I dabble in many creative areas, but there’s not really one that I feel I’ve perfected. So expect to see a lot of variety here at The Cozy Creative, from design inspiration to tasty recipes to organizing tips and more. My hope is that this blog can be a resource for anyone who, like me, doesn’t want to sacrifice quality or taste in the name of saving a few bucks. I invite you to follow along as I find new ways to get creative (while staying cozy, of course).

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